
Friday, December 11, 2015

Judge Calls For Corrupt To Be Arrested

A Republic of the united States judge calls for arrests of corrupt USC "officials":

Full story here . . .

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

American Sovereignty

Cognitive Dissonance - Once one has learned the facts, they still go on about their "lives" as if that is what they are supposed to do, just like they are told, by the very people lying to them, because it is already "comfortable" and non-upsetting.

The standing of Americans:

WORDS have specific meanings, and are used specifically for a certain purpose.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

When can you shoot a cop?

A refresher, please share/disseminate. In America, ANYONE who tries to use force against you, without defined due process (complaint, indictment, then warrant, ...), even those who call themselves your local "government". If you are an "officer", perhaps a refresher of the Republic's Constitution and the actual law may be in order, as well as diligently tracing exactly WHO your paycheck comes from.

WORDS have specific meanings, and are used specifically for a certain purpose.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Subject Matter Jurisdiction

Did you know?
In 2008, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc., the parent company of Dr Pepper and Dr Pepper/Seven Up, Inc., was established following the spinoff of Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages (CSAB) from Cadbury Schweppes plc.
All Statutes, Codes and Rules of Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. ONLY apply to employees or agents of Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc..
IT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED that the United States is IN FACT a private corporation. Are you paid for services rendered as an agent or employee of that company? IF NOT, then their listed Statutes, Codes and Rules do not apply to you.

Same thing both lawfully and legally, as prescribed in common law of Subject Matter Jurisdiction in The Republic of the united States, as well as (should) be common thought of intellect, only many people have been/are educated otherwise.


28 USC 3002 (15) - United States is a corporation.

Bond vs. UNITED STATES, 529 US 334 – 2000, The Supreme Court held that the American People are in fact Sovereign and not the States or the Government. The court went on to define that local, state and federal law enforcement officers were committing unlawful actions against the Sovereign People by the enforcement of the laws and are personally liable for their actions.

Bond v. United States, 529 US 334 – 2000 – ‎Supreme Court – Cited by 761 litigants in other cases.

Bond v. US, 131 S. Ct. 2355 – 2011 – ‎Supreme Court – Cited by 306 “ “

Bond v. US, 1 F. 3d 631 – 1993 – ‎Court of Appeals, 7th – Cited by 66 “ “

WORDS have specific meanings, and are used specifically for a certain purpose.

Friday, October 16, 2015

American patriots are now active targets.

Americans who support the ideals our Republic was founded upon are OFFICIALLY now a target of ENFORCEMENT. When one becomes a target of corrupted government, one must respond in kind. The LAW of the land explicitly states it is every American's DUTY.

WORDS have specific meanings, and are used specifically for a certain purpose.

Friday, April 17, 2015

A Message to American Patriots

What will it take American patriots?
Every day there is a new revelation of wrongdoing by our federal, state and local elected officials, police and agencies. How far are you PERSONALLY going to let it go on? Do you still think that it does not affect YOU or YOUR LOVED ONES?
You do not have to fear losing your job, your income, by the exercise of your Rights. Those will continue to be there as they are every day regardless of who is in "office". Business will go on because the people want/need goods and services.
YOU HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELVES for your situation because YOU REFUSE to uphold the Constitution, and continue to claim that you are "citizens" of these institutions, thereby granting them the authority to perform these actions upon you. YOU HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELVES FOR YOUR IGNORANCE OF THE SUPREME LAW OF THIS LAND.
YOU refuse to stand with sovereign fortitude and tell the police that they have NO AUTHORITY over you, and blindly accept their commission of fraud against you. Why? Because you are coerced, intimidated and threatened with force? YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO CALL FOR BACKUP FROM FELLOW AMERICANS TO PROTECT AND DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS.
The Constitution provides all the justifications and methods by which we, the sovereign people of america, can bring about changes. YOU REFUSE to form grand juries, draft indictments and execute warrants for those who are committing fraud, theft and abuses of their office, and convene a court of record for their trial and prosecution. There is also the way that our founders performed the same action, by another method.
YOU outnumber all the traitorous lying thieves and rats with visions of, and drunk with lust for, power and fiat money in their ranks. YOU can easily take back what is yours by starting at your local level and working up.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

If ever there was a cause to join!

A petition to bring charges of treason upon US President Barack Obama himself! I encourage everyone to sign. I am sure YOU can get behind this if you live in America, and many that do not, for our struggle with this "man" affects you with this as well.

Sign here:

Saturday, March 21, 2015

How is your view?

How is your view?
My spin:
Every "agency" or company is made up of people, individuals. They all know individually what they are doing, and are doing it willfully, so what does that say?

WORDS have specific meanings, and are used specifically for a certain purpose.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Your Rights in America

We all know of the recent proposed ban on M855 ammunition, the "laws" concerning open carry and concealed carry, and all the other debates of firearms legality. I DO NOT COMPREHEND why everyone in america refuses to IGNORE ANY "law", "statute", "code", "ordinance", "rule" or any other form of regulation on "arms" when it is clearly stated to ALL GOVERNMENTS in america by the United States Constitution, 2nd Amendment ". . . shall not be infringed.". This is further specified that all regulation of the same is NULL AND VOID by U.S. Constitution, Article Six, Clause 2, and affirmed by Marbury v. Madison: 5 US 137 (1803).


What are "Police"?

The word "police" originates c.1530 France and was used essentially as the same word "policy", which originated from Latin "politia" ("civil administration", "state" or "government"), from the Greek "polis" ("city").

Now that we comprehend the true meaning of the word, we can further comprehend that the "police" are NOT meant to be assistance to the public, but in reality are the "enforcers" FOR the various governments that employ them, to enforce the civil "statutes", "rules" and "laws" that these governments impose upon their claimed subjects (today known as "citizens").

IF anyone thinks or still believes that they are employed to "help" the public, they are thoroughly mistaken, as their only job is to enforce the "codes" to levy fines to create revenue for the "administration" (governing body).

I would suggest to all that you do diligent research into words, and not dismiss their use as common by any means.

WORDS have specific meanings, and are used specifically for a certain purpose.

"Genocide" versus "Holocaust"

 I often see people supporting Israel simply because they believe it is the "right thing to do" based upon their own faith, be it Christian, Catholic, etcetera. Given that religion is merely another method of control put into motion by people long gone to history, a guise with the basis founded in "divide and conquer" tactics, I am amazed by the support given by the separate religions/theologies. But to give and commit to such support without knowing the facts of their actions, OR the true intentions of them, simply because of the call to do so by friends or "the faith" is ludicrous. I submit to the readers that the JEWISH word "holocaust" is used for a specific reason in reference to the atrocities that were committed upon the Jewish people in Nazi Germany during the 1930s-40s, rather than the word "genocide".

Firstly, let's take a look at the Jewish people themselves. MANY of the supporters of Israel do not know that there are two distinct and separate people of the Jewish faith. The Ashkenazi and the Sephardic. The former being the ruling majority of the faith for thousands of years now over the Sephardic, and continuing today in Israel itself. MANY supporters do not know that the Ashkenazi hold nothing but contempt for the Sephardic, and persecute them continually, denying them the same Rights as the Ashkenazi to everything from holding public offices to individual housing and even decisions of marriage.

Finally, now this is going to shock most, and I am sure I will be the brunt of much backlash, but the truth is the truth. Let us finally define "Genocide" and the JEWISH WORD "Holocaust". "Genocide" MEANS "The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.". Historically TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE, "Holocaust" MEANS "A Jewish sacrificial offering that is burned completely on an altar."

Now that we comprehend the TRUE MEANINGS of these two words, does it not seem odd that the latter be adamantly used by the Jewish people for the events that occurred during the time of the Nazi Germany regime? Not when the totality of what occurred during this time is comprehended, that which is NOT to be taught to the public in an act of suppression of the truth. During this time, the Ashkenazi were actually working WITH the Nazis, in an attempt to exterminate the persecuted Sephardic, and they nearly succeeded. Much of the historical evidence has been suppressed or destroyed in an attempt to cover this action up from the world, but there is enough left exposed, and the use of the words themselves left to acknowledge the facts as well. In addition, locate a Sephardic Jewish person and merely politely inquire.

WORDS have specific meanings, and are used specifically for a certain purpose.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


We commonly use words in general speaking, writing and reading. Where do they come from? What are the actual meanings of the different words? Does it make a difference which word we use?

I am not specifically discussing grammar (or being a grammar nazi), although this also plays a part in this posting, as you will see.

Generally MOST people are under the assumption (incorrectly) that as long as they talk to another human, they convey exactly what they intend to say. If one does not absolutely comprehend the meanings and use of words themselves, how can true intent be conveyed between themselves and another?

Today many of our common words are assumed to have a certain meaning, but in reality they have an original meaning that has been diluted by incorrect use by the general public or simply deferred to have another meaning over the course of time. Nothing can be further than the truth. The original intent is still there, and is meant as such when used in a legal sense throughout documentation and courtrooms. EVERY single word that is spoken, written or read has a specific meaning, and is used for a specific reason. This is absolutely true when applied to ALL legislation ("statutes", "codes" & "law(s)"), contracts, documentation and even in courtrooms. These words can mean the difference between being free, and being locked into a cage.

For example, we often are asked if we "understand". It is generally accepted to mean that we "comprehend", or have good comprehension of what is being intended by another. So why not use the word "comprehend" in the first place? Because the user is actually asking if we "submit" or "decide of our own will to agree". How can this be? Well the word "understand" is actually two single words, replaced into a different order, to "trick" the non-educated or non-enlightened person into a "contract of agreement". If you agree that you "understand", you are agreeing that you "stand under" or "submit to authority". This IS NOT semantics. This is the truth of words. DO THE RESEARCH for yourself.

I suggest to ALL that you use the actual words you intend to convey your intent, and research any that you do not comprehend, especially when it comes to anything in any legal sense, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America, as well as all other legislation.

WORDS have specific meanings, and are used specifically for a certain purpose.